
Monday, April 8, 2013

Please Help Save Balue Part 2

Save Balue

I posted Please Help Save Balue two weeks ago.  I told you of the love of my dog, Balue, and how he was recently diagnosed with cancer.  His fundraiser at has been absolutely a miracle and everyone who has shared and prayed and donated has helped to almost raise enough money for him to have his life saving surgery, he should be able to have it very soon if the donations keep coming, and live a long, happy, healthy and spoiled life!  As of right now with online donations, cash donations, and personal items I have sold we are up to $2150.  I'm just in awe of how wonderful and amazing people are! 

I made this short video, that you will find below, about Balue for everyone who wanted to see more pictures of him and learn more about him.  I have so many pictures of my baby that it was hard to narrow it down, but here are a few of my favorites!  Please enjoy!

If you are wondering if this is a real cause please note the "Verified" seal on the upper right hand corner of his donation page.  If you hover over it you will see that it signifies that I have provided paperwork to verify this is the real deal, which included a letter from his Dr.  Some people are iffy about inputting their information into the website, I have full faith that you should have no worries, however if you do I can give you either a mailing address or a paypal address to send donations to.  Just email me here if you'd like to send a donation directly to me instead of through the website.  Due to an effort of keeping my personal privacy, even though I do have a big dog to protect me, I will not be giving out my home address.
Save Balue!

Please continue to share his story, pray for him, and if you can donate at least a dollar... please donate that life saving dollar!  Help Balue however you can to see his 6th birthday in June of this year!

Once Balue has his surgery and is in recovery I will post again and let everyone know how he is doing! 

I really cannot say enough how thankful I am for all the wonderful people who've gotten involved!  Please continue to post his story on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Craigslist, and everywhere you can think of.  I even have a flyer that I can send you via pdf if you email me here.

Much Love!  And many Balue Bear kisses!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Please Help Save Balue

Save Balue |

Hello WORLD!

I know I have not blogged in pretty much forever!  A LOT has been happening in my life.  Mostly good.  =)  I've been so busy, and I've lost touch with writing here.  However I do come to you now with a plea for help.

My beloved dog Balue was diagnosed with Mast Cell Tumors cancer yesterday.  He needs a surgery to have it removed before it spreads to his organs.  If it is removed in time he will have a good prognosis and will be able to live a happy healthy life, however if I'm unable to come up with the funds in time the cancer will spread and take his life quickly.

He's very special to me.  He will be 6 years old in June 2013, less than 3 months.  This boy has been with me through the falling apart of my marriage and eventual divorce.  As well as when I lived in another crappy relationship for 2 years.  He's been with me when men have come and gone, and friends have come and gone in my life.  I've had lows and I've had highs, and the one constant in my life for almost 6 years has been Balue.  He's my best friend, I love him more than I love any person in my life.  If I had the money for the surgery myself I would pay for it, unfortunately I'm a single woman on an income that just cannot afford it in time.

Please find it in your heart to donate a dollar, or more if you can, towards his surgery.  If you cannot donate just helping by sharing the link to his cause and your thoughts and prayers are truly appreciated!  

Thank you for taking the time to read this.  Balue and I are grateful for anything you can do!

Much love!