
Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011 Ponderings

Happy Halloween!!  I’ve never been big on Halloween, even when I was a kid.  We didn’t really trick or treat or anything.  I think maybe one or two years my parents possibly took us to the mall to do the trick or treating there, one year I think I ended up at my school’s festival.  But besides that most years I spent Halloween at home, and I do remember even handing out the candy that I had obtained from school to the few kids that came by.  Oh and if I dressed up it was as a Punk Rocker, I loved Joan Jett when I was a kid, still do.  In my adult life I only handed out candy a few times, most years I’ll admit that I’ve just turned the porch light out and pretended no one was home, however it seems there are very few that actually trick or treat on the street anymore anyways.  Years ago I went to Halloween parties friends had, not because it was Halloween but because it was a party. 
At one of my old jobs the boss told us to dress up or not come in that day, so I dressed up for the sake of not hearing her moan that people didn’t participate.  I just used what I had, I had recently been in a wedding and had lost weight since it and the dress was falling off of me, I did my hair all crazy and was the bridesmaid from Hell.  That's the only real costume I've done since I was a 12 year old punk rock star, and it's been about 6 years since the bridesmaid outfit.  This year I’m in a whole new world.  My current job goes Halloween crazy.  Every section of the department decorates their area in mad fashion.  My area is Hell, another area decided to do a flip on us and do Heaven, there is a haunted carnival, a couple of non theme areas, and an area very dedicated to vampires.  I think the vampire crew is going to win, they went all out and the person who was the creative force behind it all is definitely not a Halloween decorating foe to be messed with.  Oh and everyone dresses up.  At least since my area is Hell I get to keep it simple and wear black or red and these silly devil horns.  Though I’m not a huge fan of Halloween the competitive spirit and the happy warm fuzzy feelings everyone has over it is very fun, it makes loving working here that much easier.  Though today is Halloween the competition and tours do not start until tomorrow.  Tonight I will be spending my Halloween dipping the rest of my cake balls that I mentioned in my last blog, Not So Lazy Sunday.
One thing I do love about Halloween is that it marks there are only 4 days left until my birthday on November 4th.  Now that’s exciting!
Are you going to be dressed up partying your Halloween evening away or doing like me and hiding in the dark recesses of NoCandyHereville?
Much Love!  

I see that Amazon has their Halloween stock on sale! Stock up for next year!!  Click here for Halloween goodies!

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