
Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Next Day

So yesterday was my birthday as I mentioned in my post Birthday Blessings 2011.  First business of the day, I tried to drive to Walmart to get a futon however realized that there was no way to fit it in my little car.  I then tried to drive home before my friend was supposed to be there, I find that half of Gainesville, ok I exaggerate, just a huge part of University Avenue had been blocked off for the Gator Homecoming parade.  I was thinking 'NOOOOOOO', I then proceeded having to drive down side roads for detours through residential neighborhoods.  This was a maddening thing, well could have been, but I kept hope that I'd eventually make it through this traffic jungle of people trying to find parking places, and people charging $5-15 a car to park on the grass of their yards, and my urge to just start bypassing the traffic and driving through yards and barreling through fences with my little car.  Luckily I had awesome music to keep me sane.  I finally found my way through to a major road, after an hour.  It took me longer on the detour to find a major road to get me home than it took me to drive to Walmart and go in and find the futons and talk to sales person and decide that it wouldn't fit in the car.  Oh and to stop and look at awesome televisions that I cannot afford.  Fortunately this detour was the only odd moment of the day.

My friend arrived and we had a great time.  He happens to drive a giant beautiful pickup and took me to get the futon - yay!  Definitely one of those times to take a moment and thank God for Southern men and their pickup trucks.  We hung out watched movies, ordered food in, took shots of the super delicious Pucker Vodka citrus... it was all great!!  I spent the day doing basically nothing and I loved it!  In the past when I've had a birthday party I always ended up having to do way more work than any birthday girl should have to.  So it was awesome that I could actually sit back and relax and just enjoy having company for the day and no drama either.  The older I get the more I just try to find that elusive zen state, and yesterday was pretty close.
Balue has decided the futon was purchased for him.

I woke up too early though, and went to bed late, and woke up again today too early.  So what did I do the day after my birthday?  Well I napped... fantastic!!

Much love!!

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