
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Homemade Strawberry Syrup

I woke up this past Saturday thinking I wanted pancakes.  However I did not have any syrup and I always wondered how it would taste homemade so I proceeded to read about 6000 recipes. I got the jist that the bulk of them used one part brown sugar, one part white sugar and one part water.  I had all of those things and some strawberries I needed to use up.  Swwwweeet! 

And sweet it was.  I had mixed the strawberries that I strained out of the syrup into the pancake batter and that was actually my mistake when it came to sweetness.  I rarely come across anything that is too sweet for my sweet tooth and the basically candied strawberry pancakes were it.  The next day I decided to give it a second try since I had leftover syrup and without the candied strawberries in the batter it was great.

The syrup had a fun pink tint to it due to the strawberries, however I'm not as handy with a camera as I am with a skillet.  The strawberry flavor was a nice light tone and not overpowering.  However if you'd like super strawberry flavor use more.  You can also use other berries, fruits, butter, maple or other extracts, only brown sugar, dark brown sugar instead of light, or only white sugar and other variations if you'd like a different flavor. 

I know what you are thinking "STOP JABBERING and get to the recipe!"  Your wish is my command....

1 Cup Light Brown Sugar
1 Cup White Sugar
1 Cup Water
1 Cup Sliced Strawberries
2 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract

1 Large sauce pan, it needs boiling room.

Put strawberries and brown sugar in sauce pan.
Over medium heat slowly stir in the water and stir constantly until brown sugar is dissolved about 1-2 minutes. The mixture will just be starting to get warm.

Slowly pour in white sugar while stirring and constantly stir until the white sugar is dissolved.

Turn heat to high bringing mixture to a boil for 2 minutes while constantly stirring.  
(Do not stop stirring at this point or it WILL overflow.  
If it starts to bubble too close to the top just lift off the burner 
for a few seconds until it pipes back down.)

Turn heat to medium low.

Add vanilla and stir.
Simmer for 15-25 minutes stirring often. I did it for 25, the longer the thicker it will be the shorter the thinner it will be.

Strain into a bowl.  Figure out something yummy to do with the strained fruit.

Use a funnel to transfer the syrup from the bowl to a mason jar or some other kind of containing/pouring device that will be convenient to transfer your super yummy syrup to your pancakes, waffles and other culinary awesomeness creations.

The syrup will keep for a few weeks in the refrigerator.  

Reheat in the microwave at 50% power until it's the desired temperature.
Text all of your friends and brag about what a domestic goddess you are because you just made homemade syrup and none of those store brands have anything on you.



Who would have thought homemade syrup was actually this easy?

I hope you not only enjoy eating it but enjoy making it!

Much love and super yumminess!